A good summary Umair and sadly it is being repeated here in the UK. We are already seeing the crumbling effects of predatory capitalism with our shortage of workers despite massive unemployment. People are no longer willing to take jobs at below living wages just to keep some mega-corporation in profit. We have a shortage of delivery drivers because for decades they were considered low value and dispensable. Now they are seen as essential workers and the Conservatives are bleating that we should let all the cheap EU drivers back in to fill the jobs. Talk about ironic. Brexit has truly come back to bite them.
Our healthcare costs have gone up to cover the cost of the pandemic. Note that the Conservatives have decided to make the poor people pay for it by increasing national insurance, rather than increasing the tax on the millionaires and billionaires that leach all the money away from the country through off-shore accounts and tax loopholes. Did you know that most billionaires actually increased their wealth during the pandemic.
The country is crumbling into ruin and all our Prime Minister can do is make up vacuous three word slogans and go on holiday. The government is abandoning the country to its fate, pretending it is not their responsibility to do anything about it. I expect the ruling Chumocracy is getting ready to pack its bags and move to a better country. They have already sucked as much wealth out of the UK as they can manage without getting thrown in prison.
I write this as a warning to anyone in the US hoping to come to the UK for a better life. We are only a few short steps behind you towards ruination.