A suprisingly well-rounded discourse on our predicaments. I think you are slightly underestimating the effects of climate change. As we start hitting tipping points leading to complete climate collapse, I suspect life is going to get a lot more violent and right-wing. The apathy you talk about is going to come back to bite us in a very bad way.
Science fiction writers like to write dystopian futures simply because it is easier to do so, You just follow trends to logical conclusions, assume that humanity won't change its behaviour and imagine an intrigueing or exciting plotline.
Writing for positive outcomes just sounds like a children's fantasy where they all live happily ever after. I know, I wrote a climate future short story and it was hard to stay optimistic.
Sadly, the threat of nuclear annihilation has just increased to imminent levels with Putin's attack on the Ukraine. In fact I have just written an article on this matter in Medium - https://msfayebaker.medium.com/putins-gamble-may-mean-the-end-of-the-world-d4c7fd8937ea