Member-only story
A Very British Civil War
The why and wherefore of Brexit
In this article I aim to explain the inexplicable; the reasons why Brexit happened and the awful aftermath. Naturally, this is merely my perspective of what happened (and my opinions of the people involved) but as someone who lived through the whole rigmarole of Britain being in the EU, leaving the EU and surviving post-brexit, I feel I have a pretty good handle on it.
In the Beginning
First we have to go back to when the UK initially joined the EU. This wasn’t a unanimous decision but it was pretty definite (about 70% for) and yes it did involve a referendum and lots of arguing. In the end we went in and the rest, as they say, is history. The British have always been suspicious of Europe (or bloody foreigners as many like to call them) and it didn’t take long to find something to complain about. Despite all of the advantages of the EU the British people have always thought they were being short-changed by the bureaucrats; whether it was assigning farm subsidies or regulating sausage production (a fictional but hilarious episode from Yes Minister). There was uproar when muddled thinking on the agriculture policy of the EU led to ‘wine lakes’ and ‘butter mountains’ of over production. Eventually most of the lunacy was ironed out and we even managed to re-negotiate the membership fees more…