I agree with these sentiments and I have even written an article describing my own theory on how to achieve AGI. https://msfayebaker.medium.com/the-siren-song-of-consciousness-be47db518fff
Like you, I believe we need to take into account not only the biology of our brains but the evolution of thought itself. The reason DL can't effectively generalise is that it is not based on primitive experiences. These experiences are almost below the level of concepts. What we like to call vague feelings, impressions or responses.
The primitive brain was borne out of the simple cause and effect approach to living. Consequently it lies at the base of all our thoughts. Hunger, warmth, threat, reproduction. All these basic experiences that have informed our brain over eons of evolution.
It is also correct to say that our brains don't work on simple binary or even digital calculations. It is an organic system and as such is highly analogue. This is why I have mooted the idea of using frequency resonance in place of steady state values. In an organic system that is constantly changing, growing and dying, only frequency remains as a constant. It is much easier for a neuron to be receptive to frequency resonance than to a specific voltage level or timing frequency. It is natures original feedback system. I go into greater detail in my article.