I feel you may have missed the point a bit here Umair. Violence is about instilling fear, its about proving that one side is stronger than the other. It's about cowing your enemy, which is anyone who is against you. It even has its roots in patriarchy where violence is used to command respect.
When fascists say 'might is right' they mean that quite literally. They use violence to make sure that no one opposes them through fear. This is why he went after Nancy Pelosi with a hammer. He was determined to scare her and anyone else who opposed his MAGA beliefs. The message was simple - 'Obey my commands or there will be pain and death'. It's the oldest political doctrine in the world and it is still being played out in many countries.
The only new sophistication now is that hatred and lies are being used to whip up mass violence in order to obtain mass obedience. Look at what is happening in Iran, with the current protests. The autorities are now using extreme violence and death to make the population obey their rule.
Putin is using a similar approach in Russia to ensure that he can have his war. Fear of violence and ultimately death is forcing people to chose between obedience and concience.
The republican party is quietly introducing violent extremism in order to induce fear into the voters. Look at how they are planning to intimidate and threaten people going to vote. Look at how the Nazi party used fear in Germany. It's all the same thing.
Make people fear to disobey what you command them to do. Make them want to comply with your orders to avoid punishment. It's a primal thing. Do whatever is necessary to avoid pain and suffering.
Violence and fear of violence has always been their method of persuasion.