I personally believe the fossil fuel companies and their associated traders are deliberately pushing up prices globally in a last ditch attempt to derail the transition to renewables. This is their revenge for daring to move away from fossil fuels.
It is also a strategy for extracting as much profit from these fossil fuels before they are completely superseded by other cheaper sources, such as solar, wind and nuclear. While we are still dependent on gas for domestic and industrial use, they are going to gouge us for every penny they can muster.
It may just be scare tactics to tell politicians what would happen if they pursue any further action against fossil fuels. A kind of Mafia threat. If you force us to change we will bring down your government. It's a risky strategy as it could also accelerate the transition. I expect the sales of solar panels are going through the roof in the UK thanks to threat of doubled energy bills.
It depends on what those rich angry old men are willing to do in revenge for having their gravy train derailed.