I think you mean "Until it doesn't work".
I agree with everything you say except I believe the only way we are going to get out of this mess is if there is a global deadly pandemic. The only way that nature is going to get a chance to recover and the only way we can reduce our CO2 emissions is for the majority of the human race to disappear.
It's not that I think there is over population using up too much of our limited resources, though in a real sense this is true. I think we need to get rid of all the greedy buggers who will not change to save the planet. For example, one of my neighbours drives a big muscle car (a Trans Am) around for fun while also driving an SUV for work etc. I don't believe anyone will be able to persuade him to change and drive around in a small cheap electric car. At the other end of the spectrum we have a morally corrupt government who will take money from Russian criminals if it provides them with more money and power. The rich will gladly turn a blind eye to the destruction caused by the fossil fuel industries if it means their stocks and shares increase in value.
So we need to root out all the selfish greedy Ba***rds in the world and the only way I can see to do that is through a global pandemic. Yes a lot of innocent people will also die but sadly the planet needs to be rescued from humans. We need to cull humanity in the same way we would cull a herd of deer if their numbers became destructive to the rest of the ecosystem. It would be impossible to devise some rational process for selection so a random and natural one should be used instead.
We have already seen how a fairly 'mild' pandemic is spread throughout the world, despite each country attempting to stay safe. Even New Zealand landed a few cases, when everyone obeyed the rules. I don't think even the richest will remain safe if a deadly disease get loose.
It seems to me to be the only way for the planet to survive.