I think you mean 'until the Conservatives got in to power'. They have been dismantling the NHS consistantly every year. They would have been further along had COVID not turned up on our doorsteps to remind us why it is so important. The cynical hypocrites were standing on their doorsteps applauding the nurses while at the same time refusing to give them a raise or a bonus. Happy to let them work themselves to death to save live when it was politically expedient but now they can bugger off. They have every intentions of destroying the NHS or at the least privatising it for the benefit of their rich chums.
The same with the BBC. The conservatives hate any media that exposes their lies and corruption, so they are trying to destroy that too. The BBC have tried to weather the storm by pandering to the right wing and knocking socialism at every turn (especially the Labour party). But the cons are not satisfied with capitulation, they want total control of the truth, just like in Russia. If the BBC won't play along then it has to go. It was the same with Channel 4 but that ploy became too obvious and they backed down.
I have explained the Conservatives 'death dance' in my article Conservatives: End Game https://msfayebaker.medium.com/conservatives-end-game-cd3dfcc467ba
As for the increased deaths caused by Covid, the flu and deepening poverty, remember The Rich Have a Plan for Climate Change https://msfayebaker.medium.com/the-rich-have-a-plan-for-climate-change-d6af80af24c5
Britain just happens to be the first to go.