I thought I knew Oeuvre but my definition is not as good as yours. I learnt emendation from a crossword puzzle where the root word emend is ridiculously close to it's sister word amend. Both mean to edit, so why have both!
Pulchritude is one of those words I thought I knew but it turns out I was wrong.
Pink is rarely used and I only know it from the term pinking shears (scissors), used in dress making to put a saw-tooth edge on cloth to stop it fraying.
I believe that Micawber is from Dicken's book David Copperfield. A character who is eternally optimistic.
I think that the Trilby is a British version of the Fedora and was once favoured by Frank Sinatra.
Never heard of Limerence or Kvell and I think infix has a mathematical definition, as in infix notation.
Thanks for an interesting and diverting article and I am not being pecksniff about this.