I welcome a human extinction but not for the reasons you detail in this article. I simply want to give the world a chance to recover from the devastation known as human civilisation. It has been like a virus slowly killing off the planet in order to maintain its own existance. So I have no wish for an elite or a religeous theocracy to survive, I want at least 90% of the human population to be removed to give the earth's ecosystem a chance to recover from the brink of its own extinction.
The irony of our determination to stay alive (in the same civilisation) is that it will mean the destruction of the planet as we know it, leading to our own destruction. As Samuel Jackson said in the 'Kingsmen' movie, either we kill the planet or the planet kills us.
Before you all call me pessimistic and fatalistic, remember I have written several article about climate change and our ongoing eco-destruction. I have even tried to be positive by positing a new Humanity 2.0 https://msfayebaker.medium.com/humanity-2-0-c66aeefb56b
And pre-empted this theme about embracing extinction in a more dour article - https://msfayebaker.medium.com/the-rich-have-a-plan-for-climate-change-d6af80af24c5