It's a good job the first 'American' settlers didn't read this article. I think they would have given up and gone back to England or Germany or wherever. Of course the original 'native amercians' didn't have the option of a hunting rifle but they still managed to survive somehow. Until, of course the invading Europeans decided to kill them all in a self righteous genocide, after infecting them with deadly diseases and syphalis.
You are right about most average white Americans not being able to survive a prolonged camping trip. A lot of them can't even survive being without WiFi for more than a day, let alone a steady supply of fizzy beverages. It's amazing how all these big tough MAGA types claim to be strong independent libertarians but as soon as you take away their trucks or SUVs they turn into helpless children. Incapable of living in any other way than what has been hammered into them by capitalists. Heaven forbid that you take away their guns as well. Talk about throwing their rattles out of the pram.
You sound a bit like those writers who believe that if we have to give up using fossil fuels we will be dragged back to the stone age. All the knowledge and scientific advancement of the last 30 centuries or so, will be instantly forgotten, Every tool made of iron will immmediately disappear, all medical knowledge will go as soon as the pills run out and steam power will just be a cave man's dream.