Sadly it's the same situation over here in the UK. People are 'tired' of wearing masks and staying apart. Businesses want their workers back in the office (for no apparent reason). People are so desperate to be able to go abroad for holidays they willingly let the borders be open to any infected idiot, no matter what variant they have. Far better to fly off to Ibiza and get twatted than stay home and be safe.
The only silver lining to this idiocy is that it might reduce the population down to the point where we have a chance to stop climate change (or at least survive it). Did you know our spokesperson for the COP26 Environment conference prefers to drive a diesel car instead of electric because she want to drive to her mother's house without stopping to recharge. It's over 200 miles but who wants to stop for 20 minutes on a short journey like that? This is what we are up against in the UK. Pure stupidity and selfishness. We are ruled by an Idiocracy.