Sorry Umair but you are in danger of falling for your own hyperbole and propaganda. Yes there are shortages of some foods due to supply problems, which are no doubt due to Brexit but no shortage of other foods so no one is going to starve. There was a hic-cup in the supply of petrol (or gas as you prefer to call it) that caused a minor panic that had everyone racing around the country in a panic for no good reason but that has passed. Most petrol stations now have plenty of fuel and the queues have disappeared. Yes the sewage problem and the Tory response to it is an outrage, caused by profiteering water companies preferring to pay out profit dividends instead of investing in the much needed modernisation or our sewage system (Ironically it was the promise of new investment that allowed the water industry to be privatised in the first place). However, due to the outcry this has caused, the Tories have done a U turn and now voted for legislation to prevent further discharges into our rivers and seas.
I agree that Brexit has turned the country into a shit-show, with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer but sadly a large proportion of the country voted for it. At the moment we are a long way from the nadir that the country faced after the second world war; when we were so bankrupt we had to sell all our best technology to the Americans to pay of the loans they gave us to pay for weapons and food. We may well be heading in that direction again but all is not lost. For many of us, the main hope is to cling on and hunker down until the next election when, hopefully, we can vote in a government that isn't completely self-serving and incompetent. Unfortunately by then we may be too late to do anything about climate change as the Tories are still secret deniers, willing to kick the problem down the road and try and find some way to make money out of it in the short term.
So the country is sinking but we are not sunk yet. We got ourselves out of debt before and we can do it again.