Sounds like you want to be British. But seriously, all through your article you list things to go without or have less of. Why not turn that on its head and have more quality instead of more quantity. Buy clothes that last for decades instead months. Buy furniture that will last a lifetime. Move into a smaller but better built home that doesn't fall down in twenty years.
Instead of buying more, buy better. This means using fewer resources because they last longer. We have become used to a consumer society where everything is designed to be out of date in under a year; or break and not be repairable. We have been conditioned to live in a throw away society and to accumulate more stuff.
We need to ditch this idea that living is going to get down graded and depleted and aim towards a future where things are made for a reason and made to last. The reason why people change cars every two years isn't because they no longer work, it's because we have been brainwashed into believing we need to replace them with newer shinier versions of what we already have.
I'm hanging on to my old ICE car for as long as possible because the resources and energy needed to make it have already been consumed. It is up to me to get as much use out of it as possible before it has to go to the scrap heap. And it will last a long time because it is a quality car. Luckily it also uses very little fuel and I rarely drive it, so I don't feel too guilty having it.
So don't think about living with less, think about living a better quality life that uses fewer resources.