Soylent Green is one of the most accurate depictions of our future and the timeline is almost as accurate. Things will slowly get worse and worse until we really are eating people; the only food source left on the planet. And yes the rich will still have their hyper-secure penthouses and palaces and women will be used as sex slaves (they are today). The cops will be powerless to bring the corporations to justice because they will be run by the corporations for the corporations. The land is turning to desert and the seas are dying but we mustn't stop the rich from making a profit.
There is only a tiny window of opportunity to prevent all this but that window is closing fast. Soon we will be hitting all the tipping points and climate change will be irreversible and disastrous.
Yes that scene from Soylent Green resonates with me every time I think about it and now that I am old I wonder if that will also be my final scene on this planet. Lying in a darkened room, listening to Debussy while looking at photos of the world we knew and slowly dying from a government administered poison.