The republicans have take that age old complaint that it's the government's fault and amplified it out of all proportion. Now they are spinning that lie into saying it is the current form of goverment that is the problem. And then offer an alternative by calling it a republic; claiming that the way forward is to ditch democracy and support this fantasy politics. It is currently without form, to avoid it being analysed and recognised for the monster it is about to become. Fascism is hiding in plain sight now. It's the Emporer's new clothes.
Soon the rhetoric will argue for a ruling party that can act without recourse to public scrutiny. It will promise to reduce taxes by dismantling all of the mechanisims needed for an elected government. It will promise better security by opening new prisons to house whoever is seen as a threat. It will divide and conquer and demand complete adoration and adherence to their cause. Any protest will be violently crushed and made illegal.
You won't notice that the unelected new government is made up of a rich elite because it already is. What will change is the rationale. Why elect an uneducated loser to the senate when you can have a wealthy winner. They must be smarter and wiser because they got rich.
I say this about the US but it is only a matter of time before the UK follows suit. Already Boris Johnson is planning to pack the House of Lords with Conservative backers; vowed to uphold any Consrevative doctrine and legislation. Already proposals are going through to prevent protest and arrest anyone the government doesn't like. The rich elite have always considered themselves as the ruling class in the UK and are ready and willing to take up that mantle again.
We are heading for grim times and the poor are going to suffer the most.