The rich have a plan for climate change

And you’re not going to like it.

Faye Baker
6 min readNov 1, 2021
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Many people are asking what are all those rich billionaires doing to help prevent climate change. After all they have to live on this planet too (until their Elysium space-station is completed or Mars colonised). Why don’t they use their money to prevent the impending ecological disaster. Well sadly they have their own plan for the future of the planet and it doesn’t include you. They are betting on the following turn of events happening, caused by climate change, to give them what they want.

First I need to point out that the mega-wealthy don’t see humans as people, as equals, as valued lifeforms; they see them only as commodities to be bought and sold. To the rich, humans are there merely to exploit in the name of profit. That’s why they don’t do anything to stop world poverty; as far as the rich are concerned the poor are simply surplus to requirements and if they cannot be useful by producing or consuming then they should be removed from the labour market. This is a sentiment that Charles Dickens aptly described in his story “A Christmas Carol”. When Scrooge is asked to give money to help the poor he responds with “If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.” Some may think these Victorian attitudes have been consigned to history but the vast…



Faye Baker

Writer, thinker and inveterate maker. Part-time Cognitive scientist. Retired technical author and software developer. Avid reader about climate and ecosystems.