The situation is even worse here in the UK. The Prime Minister (Johnson) has now declared that the worst of the pandemic is over and we can all go back to normal again. No more mask, no more vaccination passport and definitely no need to quarantine when travelling abroad. Just because the figure for infections has dropped slightly and Johnson is desperate to save his political skin we are all being thrown under the bus. To pander to the self centred (Tory leaning) voters he is letting pubs and restaurants and nightclubs and venues to open again with no restrictions. He is saying no need to wear masks anymore or keep your distance. Granted that having the highest rate of infections in the world probably means that most of the country has already caught Covid. The Conservatives consider it time to go back to normal and any deaths due to the pandemic is your own problem.
It doesn't matter that the NHS is going to overwhelmed in the next few weeks from a new spike in hospitalisations. In fact the Tories will use this as an excuse to get rid of the NHS on the grounds of not being fit for purpose.
It does not matter that the increasing number of people off work with Covid will bring the infrastructure and supply chain to its need, as long as Johnson can avoid being kicked out of number 10. The Tories have always advocated for herd immunity and now we are going to see the results of that lunacy. They won't care, being insulated against harm by their wealth and their chumocracy, they will probably all simply go on a very long cruise and come back when the dust has settled. And they will keep making profits from it all while it happens.