The term wage-slave was invented many years ago but it is still as relevent today; perhaps more so. Companies (and bosses in particular) want to be able to act as overseer to their slaves who just happen to also get paid. They want to lord it over their employees, not for any kind of improvement in productivity, though increased profits are always nice, and they need to have full control for that to happen. They despise workers 'working from home' partly because they suspect them of shirking somehow but mostly because they want to see them visibly subjugated under their immediate gaze. Nothing beats the enjoyment of walking through an office knowing the people around you are there under your sufferage and obliged to operate exactly how you want. It's the ultimate ego kick. Bosses mete out punishments like crap assignments or withholding bonuses simply to bolster their feelings of superiority and power. It's something they crave and the reason they got to be bosses and not workers.
Unfortunately, todays wage-slaves are now under pressure to aquiese to the ultimate enslavement where they are always 'on call', under surveillance and control 24/7 for all 365 days of the year (if companies could get away with it). This is why they hate unions; not because of wage claims so much as the interference they have in preventing using workers as complete and utter slaves to be owned and abused. Mark my words if things get any worse then companies will start insisting on indentured servitude from employees, in exchange for providing benefits such as healthcare, including dental, childcare and rental assistance (or company provided housing). When that happens, you will no longer be free to change jobs, move house or even have vacations. Your employment wil be bought and sold by the vast mega-companies that run your life. Slaves indeed.