The US has been a country filled with fear ever since WW2. Initially they didn't want to get involved (there were even a lot of pro-Nazi supporters) but as soon as the Japanese hit Pearl Harbour all that changed. When it looked like their own country, with all its land and wealth, could be invaded and taken over, then the American War machine came into existence. As soon as the US began to fear that their wealth and safety could be taken from them, they turned into a fighting nation. Once the war was over, the fear remained and turned into the Cold War; giving the military the excuse to grow and expand. From then on it has maintained this propaganda of fear. Growing more and more powerful each year, continually spreading the fear that America might be invaded to justify the ever increasing budget.
This mantra of fear has now become so ingrained in the American psyche that it is now virtually impossible to speak against it. The country is now sliding down into a death spiral where the fear of invasion is stronger than the fear of self destruction. The next big bogey-man that is going to be pushed out by the military is that of climate migrants. They will claim that the country needs a strong military to guard against being 'invaded' by hordes of climate migrants.
Just watch and see the Pentagon justify it's huge budget by claiming that it needs to be strong to repel all those foreigners who will overrun the country. It's just the same argument as the nuclear arms race that led to the stalemate of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). The next logical step will be for the Pentagon to suggest that the only way to save the environment is to invade any country that appears to be causing climate change. For example they might decide to invade Brazil to stop deforestation of the rain forest. Next they may decide that as China are the biggest emitters of CO2, they should be subdued by an American led invasion. But China might be too big a risk so possibly an invasion of India would be more acceptable. The US war machine only needs a good excuse to keep it moving, trundling over the planet leaving death and destruction in its path. All driven by the fear.