This is a very accurate assessment of Umair's writing on the UK. Sadly he has slipped into the old sensationalism school of journalism, using single extreme examples and making them look like common occurrences. Yes, there are some horrible things happening, especially around the cost of living crisis but these are the exceptions not the rule.
I have just come back from the supermarket, after doing my weekly shop, and despite it being that strange nether land betwixt Xmas and New year, everything is normal. I got my shopping, all the shelves were stocked, people were their usual polite and distant selves and the cost was about the same. Yes there are increases in food costs, as expected, but no one is panicking or hoarding.
I expect this next year to be much tougher than last year, partly because of inflation but mostly because the effects of climate change are really kicking in. The new year hasn't even started but there are reports of flooding. Great Britain will probably survive climate change better than most countries but we will still be greatly impacted by it.
So don't take Umair's word as gospel for what is happening, just accept that he is the canary in the cage for economic disaster. However, if you are moving to the UK just to take advantage of the free health care, I should warn you that the Conservatives are doing everything in their power to dismantle and destroy it. They want to replace it with a private health insurance system, just like in the States. So we may not have the NHS for much longer. Our only hope is if it can continue until the Cons get kicked out in the next election, the Labour party will feel honour bound to revive it.
A lot of the bad stuff that is happening in the UK is down to the Conservatives and their end stage capitalism. I even wrote an article about it here on Medium.