Time to Leave the Sinking Ship

Faye Baker
3 min readMar 14, 2023

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish

Fishing on Lake Inle — Author’s own

There comes a time when you reach the point where diminishing returns are outstripped by costs. In this case it is when my income from Medium has reduced to the point where it is below that of my membership fees. So it make sound economic sense to cut my losses and declare writer’s bankruptcy. It is a sad indictment of my writing ability that despite publishing nearly 60 articles on Medium I can’t earn enough to cover my expenses.

Perhaps my problem is that I haven’t stuck to one particular topic or style, preferring to run on inspiration rather than perspiration (sweating the small stuff, so to speak). Though I have stuck mainly to banging the drum about Climate Change, AKA Climate Crisis, Climate Apocalypse or good old Global Warming.

Occasionally I have turned to bashing the capitalists and the obscenely rich but to no avail. The socialist revolution has not begun, the workers revolt isn’t even a vague rumour on Twitter, and business as usual is still business as usual. The Conservatives are still in power and I can’t imagine how much worse they need to get before the uprising begins. It seems that they have to be goose-stepping down parliament square before people look up from their phones and realise the danger they are in. Such is the power of the right wing media to blinker…



Faye Baker

Writer, thinker and inveterate maker. Part-time Cognitive scientist. Retired technical author and software developer. Avid reader about climate and ecosystems.