We have exactly the same problem in the UK. A Tory leadership that keeps making promises they have no intention of keeping, while hoping for a miracle. We are running out of everything from PCR tests to doctors and nurses but the government are merely shrugging their shoulders and making excuses. Now we are no longer part of the EU they can no longer blame foreign bureaucracy, so they are stumped. Their 'miracle' is countless booster shots.
Like the US, there are many measures that could be taken but would mean upsetting all the rich Tory MPs and donors. They will only instigate action if they can see a profit to be made from it.
We also have our anti-vaxxers and naysayers, those utterly selfish b******rds who are only concerned for their own enjoyment. The ones that demand to continue flights abroad so they can go on holiday, demand to have nightclubs open so they can go and party, demand not to have to wear masks because it doesn't suit them to.
Our NHS is failing as more and more staff go sick, either from Covid or from overwork and stress. The government won't bolster or support the service until they can find a way to give the extra work to private companies and profit from it. It is more likely they will claim that the NHS is not fit for purpose and abolish it, leaving the field open for private health care companies to come charging in and take over.