Well done Umair; a frighteningly real assessment of what is happening in the US. I had hoped that when Biden got in that things would calm down and sanity would return. Unfortunately it looks like Biden and the Democrats are too weak to change direction and the far right are just regrouping and hardening to strike at the 2022 mid-terms. Once emboldened by a victory (however small) the great right wing propaganda machine will go into overdrive. The result will most likely be open civil war.
If that sounds far fetched just look at the fury and violence that the Floyd killing produced. Next time that violence will be met with state backed aggression, excused as defending the American Way against black aggressors. A prime excuse to start a war and feel justified about it. It will also be the start of true segregation and opening of concentration camps; no doubt called terrorist detention centres (like Guantanamo Bay).
Sadly the climate emergency and the ongoing pandemic will stop any rational opposition as each state desperately tries to shore up their local economies and feed the population.
The US will then almost certainly fall into the definition of Failed State, with Federal government dissolving into local militias and corruption overwhelming the political system.