You forgot the frog in boiling water scenario Umair. All those people swimming around saying yes its warm but everything is fine. I'm alright Jack, so I am not going to give up anything or do anything until it's too late. It is not pure denial, its just selfishness and laziness. It's the "I'm not doing anything or spending any money until I absolutely have to".
These are the people who the rich will be selling tin-foil hats to, along with the water and whatever scarce food is available. They will paint their windows white when the sun gets too hot for them. They will turn on their sprinklers and dive into their pools until the day the water dries up.
It is all these people who need to get over their sense of entitlement that are holding things back. Their rallying cry is "why should we do anything when the Chinese are still running coal powered generators". These are the poeple who will use their last gasp of breath to say "it's not my fault, it's not my problem".